In 2021, the brand was in need of not only a new vision, but expanded services once again dictated by what viewers wanted to see. Our team at Kubis Interactive thought about every single aspect of the branding and website, discussing where we could improve and innovate. The work we did with Dominique Sachse also allowed us to build a brand that began innovating today for new developments and offerings in the future, based on future goal setting and research-based strategy into the market and likeminded brands. Our work at Kubis Interactive extended to the following:
– Rebranding, including DominiqueSachse.tv Website, Social Media, YouTube, and Media Kit: With an improvement of everything from color palette to brand pillars, and target audience to brand goals, we’ve applied a new standard to all Dominique Sachse digital properties.
– Cross-Channel Digital Optimization: Along with a multi-platform marketing strategy that ensures our content, recommendations, and features are more discoverable and interwoven across multiple platforms, we are implementing SEO strategies for each and every content piece, maximizing the reach of each episode of Dominique’s weekly video.
– Digital Tool Improvements: Looking for an accessible text version of Dominique’s video, or a listing of her favorite products and where to find them? Our new “Findings” web portal, Media Kit, and other pages launching in Q4 2021/Q1 2022 are exciting new additions to Dominique’s growing website. Kubis has replaced a site originally geared to be more press and partner friendly into a one-stop shop for fans and friends alike.