Dr. Susan is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and practicing in Houston since 1999, but in order to better establish Dr. Susan’s role as an speaker, coach, and author, we had to move beyond Susan’s decades of being a successful entrepreneur and women’s health doctor to reach women who were experiencing the rigors of life in a different way, and were looking for the right support in the process. Dr. Susan approached Kubis Interactive in order to build the brand, forcing the website to be re-branded as well, and navigate the marketing pathway to the launch of her book “Sexually Woke,” due in stores in Fall 2020. From establishing the brand rules and communication strategy, to giving it digital legs in the form of a totally revamped website and marketing strategy, our ongoing goal with Dr. Susan is to build a community of women who want to speak honestly about what they are going through, with the right tribe of women around them. From the struggles of marriage, to being sexually enlightened in your more senior years, Dr. Susan’s work seamlessly combines research with her personal expertise, and her brand and web assets continue to beat that drum for her and the tribe that connects with her.